Saturday, November 23, 2013

Puzzled Cats

Dear readers, you will just have to get used to this, just like I have. Some days they let me on here to write, and some days they hide from me. I bet our Computer Guy would know how to fix it, but we haven't heard from him for a long time. Well, enough about that. Here's what is going on here. It has stopped being warm and started to be cold and rainy. He had to turn the heat on again, but She says we are luckier than our northern neighbors, because they have sleet, which is frozen rain. It turns everything to ice, and She wouldn't be able to walk at all. It is very cold and gray outside, and when we look out, there aren't any cats and not many birds having snacks. Mrs. Squirrel came out, but she has a fur coat. And still, she hurried. It is finally cold enough for Her to fix chili for our dinner. She puts beans in our chili, and LW'sMom says that shouldn't happen. Chili should only be meat and sauce. She can't help it, though. She learned to make Yankee chili when She lived very far away. He doesn't care, as long as He can put onions in it. You know She has all Her Christmas shopping done. Now She is putting things in boxes to send. When She finally seals up the boxes, She can't be tempted to put in one more thing. If you could see Her looking at catalogs, you would think She will have all Her shopping for next year done, too. She has to throw away the dozen catalogs She gets every day, and that makes Her sad, because it is such a waste. Every time She cancels one, She gets a bunch more. Well, I shall go and supervise the preparation of the chili. It just has to be un-frozen and made nice and warm to eat. They have plenty to watch on TV so it will be a nice, cozy evening. Chow, bellas.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Emergency Cats

Oh, my readers must be frantic. I haven't been able to write my stories for several days, because this story place wouldn't let me. I don't know what happened, and decided my story days must be over. After all, I have written a gazillion stories. Maybe the story place thought I didn't have any more to say. She helped me figure it out, so I can report. Well, I can tell you that things are just fine here. He and She have been getting some things done. She thought Her shopping was done for this year, but She realized She had two more things to buy. I helped Her look through catalogs until She decided on just the right things. She ordered a present for Her beloved brother. It was supposed to be for Christmas, but She found out they sent it now. I had to laugh about that. She thinks She has everything under control. I told Her to wait, but She didn't listen. Please listen to your cats, my dears. My little sister Kasey has been curling up in a tray next to His chair. I went to check it out when Kasey went to bed, and I tried to sleep in the tray, but I don't fit, exactly. I slept with my head and neck in the tray while the rest of me spilled onto the table. I believe I will leave that particular spot to Kasey. She sent away for some food with a paper She got from the computer, and they sent it already. She says we shall have omelets with roasted veggies tonight. I'll have to check that out. I don't think I'll like it. Well, bye for now.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Computer Cats

You already know a lot about computers, but what you may not know is that the more you believe something will be easy, the more the computer can trick you. I have had to help Her a few times in the last few days. To begin with, She bought some papers to save money at a restaurant. It is one where you order the food and they send it. She carefully checked the menu and took my advice about what to get. When She tried to pay for it, they wouldn't give Her the money off that She deserved. Well, it was Sunday, so maybe they didn't take orders on Sunday. When She tried today, the same thing happened. She was getting a bit salty about this and called them on the phone. A sweet girl took the order and the information and all was done right, tickety boo. Then we went to a place on the computer to send flowers for Mazie'sMom who is getting an operation on her knees. She and I carefully checked all the plants. She wanted to send plants because M'sM is a gardener and she could plant her flowers outside when she gets well. We selected some roses and put in all the info, and they wouldn't take the order because She had put it in as a guest. She didn't remember Her password, you see, and She didn't want to take the time for them to look it up. She told me She was starting to see why He yells at the computer. A little lunch. some coffee and a nice cookie (or two) and She came to try again. This time, everything worked just fine. Both orders were fixed, She even got a discount. That made a happy ending, for sure. You can look at my page and see that I figured out how to get my Saturday story posted, so now all our computer problems are solved. You may not believe me, but that is quite a day's work for a cat. I am going to have a nap while She comes back to chat with Her friends. The package that is thawing says meat loaf. We have had that before, and we like it. Toodles, everybody.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Know About Me Cats

There is a thing on Her computer place that says tell 10 things no one knows about you. She says everybody knows everything about Her, so She doesn't want to do it. Even Kasey and I know where she was born, what she likes and what She has done. Of course, not everyone knows about her adorable cats. I wonder if I can think of 10 things about Kasey and me. One thing is that I wrote a story yesterday but it doesn't show on the story page. I think a lot of people know that we don't have claws in our front paws, but they probably don't know that we can scratch a great long line with our back claws. Another thing is that I thought I had a forever family, but they gave me to the esspeeceeay because they said they didn't have time for me. I don't know what that means. He and She have all the time in the world to take care of Kasey and me, and we help them with a lot of things. You all know that I love snuggles, but you may not know that I am afraid of strangers and spend a lot of time hiding. During the day, I hide in the closet or on a chair under the table where no one can see me. At night, you will likely find me asleep above Her head, or on Her tummy. Did you know I help Her read the paper in the morning? I poke it and bite it and jump on it, so there isn't much bad news left when She reads it. If Her fingers are under the paper, I jump on them. She laughs at that. I like to make Her laugh. It is about my best thing to do, except for eating kibbles and licking Her plate. Did you know I like pizza? It is Her favorite thing. as well. She likes ice cream, but I don't like anything sweet. Kasey is very different from me. She hardly purrs at all. I am a purr-factory, She says. I guess that is all you have to know about me. I have to go check out what She is fixing for dinner My favorites are fish, pizza or chicken. Tonight it is chicken. Have a nice evening and enjoy the warm weather. It was cold, but it got so warm we had to turn on the fans. I'll try to find out why my story from yesterday didn't show up. Talk to you tomorrow.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hot Cats

One day awhile ago, I told you about how cold it was.We were so cold that He finally had to turn on the heat. Well, today it is so very warm that He had to turn off the heat and turn on the cool air. The weather guy says that it will be warm for a few days, and then it will cool down to the 70s. I don't know about you, but Kasey and I think that is perfect. She had planned to fix a kind of food called chili for our dinner, but now She says it is too hot, and She will save the chili for when it gets cold again. He and She have lived here a lot longer than Kasey and I have, but She is surprised at the hot weather. She doesn't think it is funny. She says it worries Her that it gets so warm on these days that should be cool. She says that there are things going into the air that are erasing the layer that keeps the sun from shining too much on regular people. She belongs to groups that want to fix this problem, but there are a lot of people that think it isn't a real problem at all. It's another thing that makes her get grumpy about the news. She says we will have a picnic for our dinner, because that is what people do when it is too warm to fix chili. It is OK with me. For an old person, She makes some decent dinners. It almost got too hot in my sunspot today, but my fur soaks up a lot of hotness. Have a nice evening. I'll TTYL.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Ho Hum Cats

Not much new for Kasey and me today. He and She were both home all day and They did not need any help from us. We thought there would be a big de-cluttering going on, but actually, She was rearranging piles of her papers, notes and letters on Her desk. You would think it would be nice and cleared up by now. Actually, there is hardly room for an adorable cat (ahem) to lie down. It is a puzzle to me how She can be surrounded by piles of papers, when She used to make sweet, innocent children keep their spaces nice and clean. She says if She were Her own teacher, She would make Herself stay after school to clean everything up. She will try again tomorrow, because tonight She will be busy fixing fish and vegetables, watching Their Friday shows and having dessert. She wants dessert every single day, you know. It is lucky Kasey and I don't like sweet things, or She would find it hard to share with us. Speaking of my little sister, Kasey, He is getting out of patience with her because she always pees on His side of the bed. None of us can figure out why. He puts a cardboard cover down to discourage Kasey, but she manages to find enough space to make a little piddle. He had Kasey's insides checked, and they are OK, and He sprayed some keep off stuff on it. Nothing works. If any of you readers knows an answer, just email Her, or leave a message for me. I smell fish cooking. I had better go check that out. Have a nice evening.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Patient Cats

There are days when He and She have places to go, and we have to be patient, and wait for them to come home. Since His car has been broken, They are not usually gone at the same time. For example, today She had Her usual adventure with Rocky'sMom. She had a money-saving ticket for a nice place to eat where the ladies have gone before, but a money-saving ticket is a good reason to go back. Besides, the place has food that they like to eat, and She knew She would bring something home for Him to eat, as well. It was a wonderful adventure, but it is the last one before Rocky'sFamily goes away for the holidays. She will remind me what that means in a little while, She says. So after She got home a guy brought a big package to the door, and it was from Mazie. He and She opened it up, and it was completely full of those little cups that They use to make coffee-the-drink in the little machine. They will be wide awake for a long time. The next thing was a phone call to say His car was all fixed, so He and She went to the fixing place and He brought it home. It is all shiny and nice. So now we can settle down. We can get some snuggles and pets, and taste the food from the eating place, which has lots of red sauce. We can watch TV and rest up for cleaning up more clutter tomorrow. I will bet you seven kibbles that She stops to drink coffee about ten times tomorrow, since They got all those new little cups. So hasta manana, amigos.